The new year brings new goals, new hopes, and new dreams.  I watched a vine where a girl laughed that every year she was going to leave her boyfriend but she actually did the very things the year before she said she would never do.  It's so easy to say your resolution and daydream about the wonderful results.  I've done it too, and then by March, nothing has been accomplished.

How to Manage a Manager


‘Bless their heart’ is all you can say sometimes.  They’re overwhelmed, dropping the deadline ball, and everyone knows they probably shouldn’t have the job.  You know this superior.  Whether you’re working with a superior like this or you’ve heard tales of this superior.  This article is for you.
Sometimes people receive positions they are truly unqualified for and they start to slowly fall apart under the amount of pressure and obligations they just aren’t ready for.  They are just as aware, if not more, about their shortcomings.  Is this your fault or your problem? Absolutely not!  But this is a great opportunity for you to grow your own managerial skills and manage up!

You Can't Pour From an Empty Cup

              We want to climb the ladder, get that corner office, and bring home the bacon.  All of this while wanting to have a spouse, watch your kids recital, and go to SXSW.  It’s impossible.  No, it’s not impossible to have it all, but it’s impossible to think you’re going to get it all if you leave nothing for yourself.  I’m 28 years old and my career has been quite lucrative until now, and I don’t see that changing anytime soon.  There’s been times when I’ve worked 10+ hour days, slept 4 hours, and skipped my lunch break all to get ahead and stay ahead.  Then one day, my body stopped me.  I couldn’t seem to sleep enough, couldn’t stay motivated at work, and was not trying to be clever with office politics.  I realized then, I’m too young to be burnout.  Somewhere along the way, taking a mental day or a vacation become taboo.  It became that the person with the most vacation and sick leave built up was a great worker; ideal worker.  WRONG.  How can you give your best to the world when you’re not taking care of yourself?  How do you think you’re going to be fresh and charismatic when you don’t take care of yourself?  You can’t give the world everything when you have nothing left to give. 

               I believe wholeheartedly that the person you need to take care of the best is yourself.  Normally I do a list of some sort, but I wanted to provide you with two letters.  I’m kinda going rouge here:  

How do I find the Hidden Job Market

The iceberg is a great example of the hidden job market.  According to statistics, 80% of all jobs are not posted.  You know the story, your co-worker is extremely under qualified for their position yet they knew someone who knew someone and now they’re your cube-mate.  It’s so frustrating, you went through a tough interview process and stressed over your presentation only to hear your cube-mate was a shoe-in from the beginning.  Every job I’ve applied to through Applicant Tracking Systems, I’ve loathed.  Every job I’ve gained through networking, I’ve loved.  So here are 6 ways to tap into the hidden job market: